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March 16, 2024
By Bassam Michael Madany

When the Apostle Paul dictated his Letter to the Romans, he quoted from his memorized passages of the Old Testament. Likewise, the other writers of the New Testament. They followed a time-honored tradition. They set an example for Christians throughout the succeeding centuries.

Thus, a minister of the Word of God must memorize the Biblical text he intends to use in his sermon.

Here is an example from Saint Augustine’s work, who memorized the Biblical texts of his sermons.

“St. Augustine as the draughtsman of the doctrine of God's Word in which the Word served not only as a lesson or, as a guide to the newly converted, but inspired faith and worked salvation as vocation, as a call by God. Saint Augustine preached in the conviction that God Himself was present in the faithful words of His preacher.” Dr. A. D. R. Polman’s The Word of God according to St. Augustine.

I continue with excerpts from “The Many Benefits of Scripture Memorization.” For an entire book on this topic, see How to Memorize Scripture for Life by Andrew M. Davis.

“First of all, our salvation begins…by hearing and believing the words of the gospel, we are born again (John 3:3) and justified by faith in Christ (Gal. 2:16). Saving faith comes…by hearing the word of Christ (Rom. 10:17). …Scripture also reveals that the way we make progress in our Christian faith is…by hearing God’s word with faith (Col. 2:6-7).

“Once we have come to life spiritually through faith in Christ…God has set before every Christian two infinite journeys: the internal journey of growth in holiness and the external journey of evangelism and missions.”

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